Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A Journey For Truth - 10/26/2017 -

I can see my purpose, I have heard the call.

I'm completely surrendering, once and for all.

You know, I tried life my way.

Getting it wrong, day after day.

Always doing things her way or his.

All the while wondering, "is this all there is?"

There has got to be more to this empty life 

That is so full of anger, distress, hurt, and strife.

So I began this, elongated, journey for truth.

The one I had started long ago, in my early youth.

I began associating with the sharpest of minds.

Discussing numerology, astrology, and historical finds.

We would gather 'round and ask, "what's the topic for today?"

Someone said, "let's talk about Jesus and the price he would pay."

I didn't really care for, or have much to say about the decision.

However, I sat and listened to all the "dos and don'ts" of religion.

Halfheartedly listening, taking this time for granted.

Little did I know, seeds were being planted.

I remember thinking, there has got to be more

Coming from deep within, my heart longed for.

Some time had passed, and I was invited to this place.

One that spoke of a Heavenly Father, perfect love, and a saving grace.

I thought, this is it! My search has come to an ending.

Man, was I wrong. This was just the beginning.

I began to learn about the prophetic and the fruits of the Spirit.

Oh, how my heart yearned and longed to hear it.

I soon came to realize it wasn't about "dos and don'ts", or any other doctrine fodder.

It was all about relationship with our Heavenly Father.

My God! Many are spouting and teaching a lie!

How had Christianity gone so awry?

This stops here! It's gone on far too long!

Someone has got to tell them that they've got it all wrong.

They've got Apostles, Prophets, and Teachers to place.

She must be without spot or wrinkle by the end of the race.

We've got to put away our differences and our pride

To obtain the title of holy and blameless 

We are to act as filters of perfect love

That we receive from our Heavenly Father, up above.

Understanding the knowledge of who we are in Him.

Shining our light, never allowing it to dim!

Lay your life down, take up your cross.

Let's band together, and show that 'ol devil who's boss.

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